

What is Baptism?

  • It is a picture of our new life in Christ

The Christian life is all about Christ – His life without sin; His death on the cross for our sins & guilt;  His resurrection and victory over death, hell, & the grave.  When we repent of our sins and cry out to Him for new life, our old man dies like Christ on the cross.  Then we are given a new heart that beats for God.  Our life is resurrected from its old pattern of sin and guilt.

Baptism is an event that helps us experientially enter into all that Christ did for us.  The word, “baptize” means to fully immerse.  By being fully submerged into water, we are picturing the death of our old life.  When we are raised out of the water, we are picturing new life we have in Christ.

 Paul wrote in the book of  Romans 6:4, For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.

  • It publicly announces our new life in Christ

When a couple is married, they give each other a wedding ring to symbolize their love and commitment for one another.  It is an outward picture of an inward reality.  It announces to others, “Hey, look!  I’m married!  I belong to them!”  Baptism is also an outward picture that illustrates an inward reality – that the old person we were has died and we have been given new life in Christ!  It’s the believer’s way of saying to others, “Hey, look!  I’m a follower of Christ!  I belong to Him!”

Just as a wedding ring alone does not make a person married.  Baptism is not what saves a person.  There is nothing magical in the water that changes a person’s soul.  It is a symbol of the death, burial, and new life given to us by Christ.

  • It is one of our first steps of trust in following Christ

Our response to the grace that has been lavished on us in Jesus Christ is humble act of faith.  We acknowledge that He has overwhelmed us with forgiveness, love, mercy, and the gift of righteousness. We receive the overwhelming and indescribable gift of Jesus!  The Scripture says: Peter replied, Each of you must turn from your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.  Acts 2:38  Our first step in following Christ is baptism.  Through this step, we are showing our obedience, love, and identification with Christ.

  • It becomes our marker for new life in Christ

And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one. And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.  1 John 5:8, 11

As you continue you in your journey following Christ, you may face times of doubt.  During those times you will need a reminder of the new life you have.  Scripture teaches that one of the reminders we can of who we are as a believer, is our baptism.  It serves as a reality-reminder of the change that Christ brings.  Along with the Spirit of God in your heart, the blood of Christ shed on the cross, your baptism is a reminder that you belong to Him.

If you would like to follow Christ and be baptized, indicate your decision on your Connection card Sunday at church or contact one of our pastors.  Once you have indicated your desire to be baptized, a time for you will be scheduled.  All you will need to bring is a change of clothes.  Towels will be provided.


Questions About Baptism

  • Where does Vertical Church baptize people?

Vertical Church baptizes people in two different locations depending on the weather. Some baptisms are held outdoors in the pool of someone’s home as part of a celebration! Some baptisms are held in the worship center in a large tank with warm water.  In either setting, those being baptized are laid back in the water until they are fully immersed.  Once immersed, they are raised back up out of the water.  Towels are provided for those being baptized.

  • What if I was baptized before I became a true follower of Christ?  Should I be baptized again?
The rich meaning of baptism is that it is a step of faith taken after placing your faith in Christ and becoming one of His followers.  It is an outward picture of an inward reality.  It is also a public declaration of who you are.  If you have become a true follower of Christ since you were baptized, it would be important to be baptized again to show the genuineness of your faith.
  • Do I have to be baptized in order to become a follower of Christ?

As stated earlier, baptism is not what changes a person’s life.  It is a step of obedience that symbolizes what Christ has done in our heart.  It is not a requirement for new life in Christ, it is instead a first step after repentance and trust in Christ.  While on the cross, Jesus told the thief that he would be with Him that day in Paradise.  There was no way for him to be baptized.  It was his faith alone that saved him.  The same is true today.  If you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth, you will be given new life.  (see Romans 10:9-10)

  • What if I have been baptized, but want to be baptized again?
As we walk with Christ there are points when we mature to new levels of understanding His grace and forgiveness.  Those moments lead us into new freedom and love for what He has done.  Some people walk through those moments and have a heightened love for what the resurrection of Christ means to them.  Those same people may have been baptized earlier, but want to be baptized again to celebrate what God has done in their life. While there are many references in Scripture to baptism being a single event and not required more than once (Romans 6), there is no indication that it can only happen once.  If you have experienced a new level of growth and understanding of God’s grace in your life and want to be baptized, you are welcome to.
  • Is there something mystical about the water?

 There is nothing magical, mystical, or special about the water used for baptism.  Over the years, people have been baptized in creeks, lakes, ponds, pools, and tanks and the water made no difference in their commitment to Christ.  The most mystical thing that happens at baptism is the renewal of a heart that once walked alone in pain, sorrow, and sadness.

  • What if I was sprinkled in another denomination?

The word, “baptize” means to immerse.  Church history indicates that this was the way the early church baptized true followers of Christ.  It is only in immersion that the full meaning of death, burial, and resurrection are portrayed.  If you were sprinkled in another denomination, you should consider immersion baptism as a full celebration of what Christ did on the cross and has done in your heart.

  • Can babies & children be baptized?

There are many things that parents can do to encourage their children to walk in the ways of the Lord.  They can live a Godly example before them; they can pray for them; and they can dedicate them to the Lord.  Baptizing does not insure that a child will walk in the ways of God.  Baptism is a personal step of faith by someone who’s life has been transformed by God by the power of Christ.  Parent should encourage their children and raise them in the ways of Christ.  When a child comes to an age where they understand what Christ has done for them, that they are a sinner, and that they need to be forgiven, then they should consider baptism as a personal step in their faith.  Christening and infant baptism does not guarantee that a child will be a follower of Christ or experience salvation.

  • Does being baptized make me a Baptist?
Baptism does not make anyone anything except obedient to the call of Christ to follow Him.  Many denominations baptize.  Baptists have been know throughout history as those who placed significance in baptism by immersion.
  • If I was baptized in another church do I have to be baptized again to be a part of the Vertical Church family?
Not necessarily.  If you have been baptized by immersion in another church since you have become a follower of Christ, you do not have to be baptized again.