The Cross Still Speaks – 6: Vision Awakened

The Lord is doing a great work in His church. This week we continue in our message series The Cross Still Speaks with a look from Scripture at the way God redeems every part of our life including our hopes, longings, and dreams!

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The Cross Still Speaks – 5: All In-No Matter What

God is at work in His church changing lives! The cross still speaks! In our study of Scripture, we’ll see the power of one Man’s heart fully surrendered in obedience to God! Jesus experienced the wonder of resurrection and the joy of knowing He had fulfilled the Father’s will because of what happened in Gethsemane. What we surrender there opens the door to blessing beyond belief!

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The Cross Still Speaks – 4: You Have To Finish Your Race

Our series, “The Cross Still Speaks”, continues this week with a look at how the cross speaks power to us in our moments of weakness and discouragement. Everyone faces the moment of wondering, “When will my prayer be answered?”, “When will I see change begin to happen?”, “Am I going to be in this situation forever?” You’ve been running the race of believing, serving, loving, praying and have yet to see what you’ve longed for come to pass. In that moment, the cross still speaks. And it speaks invigorating, life-infusing power. The apostle Paul wrote,

“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Corinthians 1:18)

May that power come alive in our presence Sunday morning! May it change lives! May it encourage hearts!

Click here to download a PDF copy of the sermon slides that can be viewed on any device.

The Cross Still Speaks – 3: Challenge To My Selfishness

In our message this week, we’ll hear the cross speak challenge to our selfishness as Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him! The cross says there is life for those who lay down their life now. The cross says we suffer now, but there’s coming a day of celebration. The cross says we may be in the lowest place now, but we’ll be lifted up to the highest place. The cross says there may be death now, but there is coming a day of resurrection! Don’t count yourself out. Don’t see only the suffering. Don’t get caught up in the pain. The cross still speaks!

The Cross Still Speaks – 2: Peace To My Chaos

This week we continue with the second message of our series, “The Cross Still Speaks” The cross our of our Lord Jesus is still speaking and changing lives! This week we see how the cross speaks peace to our chaos, pain, struggles, and sin.  Isaiah says that those who hear the message of the cross – “the chastisement for our peace” – will experience a change in their soul, mind, and body – they will be healed!

Click here to download a PDF copy of the message slides that can be viewed on any device.

The Cross Still Speaks – 1: Comfort To Those Who Grieve And Mourn

The apostle Paul said that while there are many messages in the world today that attempt to offer hope, there is only one message that the church has been given. He said, “we preach Christ crucified.” That message has the power to set captives free, bring good news to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, and comfort those who mourn.

The focus of our first message is the cross still speaks comfort to those who grieve and mourn. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, the loss of a career, the death of dream, or a severed relationship, Jesus has come to give beauty in place of ashes and joy in the place of deep sorrow.

Click here to download a PDF version of the message slides that can be viewed on any device.

The Celebration of Baptism

God is at work in our midst changing lives and building His church! ​And God is not finished! He is at work changing the hearts of men and women as He builds His church! As God builds His church, hearts are changed, people repent and they answer the question of belief in Jesus by following Him in believer’s baptism. Will you answer the question?

Download a PDF of this week’s message slides that can be viewed on any device.

Turn Over A New Leaf – 6: A New Leaf For Vertical Church

God is calling His church to turn over a new leaf! It is now time to turn the page and move to the next level!  This Sunday’s message will center on Jesus’ story about the Master who challenged his servant to go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in!  What Jesus said to the servant is what He says to His church in our day!

Click here to download a PDF copy of the sermon notes that can be viewed on any device.

Turn Over A New Leaf – 5: You’ve Got To Put On The Ring

This Sunday we are coming the conclusion of our “New Leaf” series with a look at the final words of Haggai to the governor in his day. The challenge he gives him is the same challenge and call we have today!  The message is called, “You’ve Got to Put On the Ring!”  So many people today want the perks of following Jesus without the works of following Jesus. God calls us today to fully commit, fully engage, and fully walk in what He has called us to be!

Click here to download a PDF version of the sermon slides that can be viewed on any device.

Turn Over A New Leaf – 4: Be Washed Into A New Way Of Living

This week we continue in our series “Turn Over A New Leaf” with the fourth message, “Be Washed Into A New Way Of Living”. Our prayer is that we will be moved, challenged, encouraged, and called to a new level of life in Christ! This is God’s passion – for us to purge our life of what was, what hindered us, and what shackled us – and for us to put on a new life of holiness and purity in Him!

Click here to download a PDF version of the sermon slides, that can be opened and viewed on any device.