Hear Here: Amplify – 5 Ways to Turn Up God’s Voice


We continue our series, “Hear Here” this week with a look at how we can amplify the voice of God in our life. Scripture makes it clear that there are 5 ways we can turn up the volume of His voice above all other voices and discover the clarity and direction of His voice! The times of greatest spiritual awakening in our world have been preceded by a group of people willing to humble themselves, hear, and do what God asks. May we be that people!

Download the sermon slides here.

Hear Here: How To Hear From God

vertical message (4)

Amidst the din of the noise of life, it is easy to lose  touch with the voice of God. God however, continues to speak and desires for us to hear His voice. Is it possible to tune in to the voice of God? Learning how to hear from God is possible, if we know how to recognize His voice. This week, Brian shares how believers can tune out the voice of the enemy and tune in to the voice of God.

Crash the Pirates: Your warfare strategy against the voices of the dark pirates

vertical message (5)

The doorway from the spiritual realm to our realm is through our minds. The enemy likes to camouflage himself by impersonating the voice of our mind, and planting destructive thoughts. Learning to stand in who we are in Christ allows us to stand victorious against the enemy, whose strategy is to isolate us, accuse us, drive us to bitterness, hopelessness and ultimately self-destruction.

Click to download the sermon slides

Banded Together: The power of Christ’s treasure in relationships

vertical message (9)

God never intended for people to do life alone.

And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Genesis 2:18 NKJV

In this fourth message of the “No Longer Pirates” sermon series, we see the apostle Paul encouraging the Christians in Ephesus to be united as one body, drawing strength from each other, lifting each other up and bearing each other’s burdens.

Sermon Slides in PDF

End The Dependence

A nation that has fallen away from the fear of the Lord; An ordained people called at an ordained time; Restoration of broken walls and repairers of the breach and ultimately, the return of a nation to their God. No, this is not an Old Testament story. This is a story about our nation. But how in the world can we affect such a change? Ask God to give you the ears to hear, the eyes to see and a heart to understand that you too may become part of the spiritual revolution and restoration of our nation.



It’s Time To Saddle Up

Today Brian helps us understand just what faith really looks like.  Yes we know that it was accounted to Abraham as righteousness because of his faith.  But what does faith really look like to you and me?  Let’s hit the trail and find out.



Prepare For God To Do Something Big

You know that situation you are going through, that mountain that stands between you and your dreams, freedom or purpose?  You know the “impossible mission” that seems to have been dropped in your lap?  It is not a mistake you are facing those things.  It is because God loves you and wants to do big things for you and through you that others may know Him too.  So how do we prepare our hearts to humbly live in that expectation?  Let’s find out…..



Enter Your New Frontier

Regardless of who you are, what you’ve done or where you’ve been, if God says something about who you are, that IS who you are.  Seeing that truth and believing that truth is where the struggle begins.  But once you do understand that truth, it really is a New Frontier.  Are you ready for a change?  Let’s go.