The Jealousy of God

God is not jealous in the same manner that we may be jealous in an earthly relationship.  He is jealous because of His desire to want to give us the unmeasurable love that He has for us and all the things that come with that love.  In todays message we will see some extremes the describe the magnitude of his love for us.  Let’s listen in as Brian breaks down the beginning of the love of our Father.



When Love Speaks

Our Father doesn’t want a boring, shallow relationship with his children.  God is calling us into the deeper things of His majesty.  Before we can enter into those endless wonders we must first have a deeper understanding of his love for us.  Not a shallow love full of surface activities and ceremony, but a deep, intimate love that will consume the very being of our nature.  Intimacy with God is not something to be afraid of, but rather something to be desired.



Journey Into Intimacy

Moving into intimacy with God requires us to do one thing, and that is to answer His call. Not just any call, but a call to come away with Him and live with him in his majesty.  Not just on the other side of eternity, but right here, right now.  Like the Shulamite woman answering the call of King Solomon, so we too can answer the call of our savior Jesus Christ and enter in to a relationship that is full of passion and intimacy.  Not ours towards Him, but His towards us.  Let’s listen in as Brian explains some areas we may be called away from in order to live in what we are called to.


Journey into Intimacy



Embrace The Wonder

Passion! Not a word that is first considered when it comes to describing our relationship with God.  Maybe not even the second, the third and possibly not all.  If we take a closer look from God’s perspective we may find that the word  “passion” to be the best “first word” when it comes to describing our relationship with him.  Not just from us to Him, but more importantly we will find it is from Him to us.



Desperate for Intimacy


What does the story of a king and a Shulamite woman have to do with us?  A most intense love affair between an undesirable woman and a king;  and not just any king, but a king of renown splendor.  What a beautiful picture of God’s love for us.  Let’s jump in as we explore the majesty captured during the exchange of letters between the unlikely couple and see how it mirrors God’s amazing love for us.



This Is Our Banner

The indescribable love the Father has for us is the banner we raise to this generation. Rescued from dark places, seated at a celebration dinner and now property of the King. Not just any king, but the King of kings. And not as a trophy of conquest, but as a trophy of His amazing love for us. When we could not get to him, even in our ugliness, He rescues us and calls us His own. “His banner of me is love”.

this is our banner

Lift Up The Banner III

What does it look like to be a banner carrier?  What is the importance of a banner anyway?  In the Revolutionary War as long as the banner was seen flying, or wherever the banner was carried to, the army would fight on.  It was considered one of the most important positions in the military.  Some banners are for communication, some are locations to rally and as stated, others were simply a sign to not quit.  Being a banner carrier requires a certain attitude and disposition that can be learned.  Today Brian walks us through some important aspects of being a banner carrier and why they are important.  Whatever banner you have been called to carry, let’s listen in and discover how to better and more effectively carry that banner.



Lift Up The Banner II

A generation in desperate need for one, two or three to lift up the banner, the message of hope found in Jesus Christ, to a lost and dying world.  That banner can come in many different forms but the message remains the same.  What is the banner that you are called to carry?




Lift Up The Banner I

In a time of desperation with so many hurting people looking for answers it is time for the body of Christ rise to the occasion and share the unapologetic answer with the world.  It is not in a political party, it is not in being politically correct, it is not in man made religion or being entitled with rights.  It is not found in the left or the right.  It is not found in wealth or the finer things in life.  The answer for hope is found in one place alone and it is past time we raise the banner.  That banner is Jesus Christ and Him crucified.  The banner of His love is our hope and the only hope this world needs.  It is time to declare war on the enemy of old and LIFT UP THE BANNER.




Bristo family interview

Less then 24 hours after a tornado destroyed the home of the Bristo family, Brian is interviewing them about their story.  What a perfect example of reframing your situation with “frames of thanks”.  In hopes that you will find encouragement to face your own trials, let’s listen and see how the Bristo’s place their faith in God.