Seduced Away From a Big Dream

A big dream for your life from God is more important than you realize. Not only can it give you a reason to press on in difficult times, but it can also give you a reason to not give in to temptation. In this next part of the series, we see how a big dream kept Joseph from giving in to temptation that could have ruined his life. See 4 ways that a big dream can keep you safe!
Seduced Away from a Big Dream Photo

I Once Had a Dream

Have you allowed the sleep of regret, fear, and doubt to keep you from acting on your Big Dreams? It is time to wake up to all you have in Jesus Christ and Dream Big! Through the life of Joseph we see the power of staying awake to your Big Dream in spite of pain, trouble, heartache, and loss! Wake up! Dream Big!
 I Once Had a Dream Photo