Turn Over A New Leaf – 3: A New Glory Awaits

This Sunday we continue in our “Turn Over a New Leaf” service with a look at the next words from Haggai to the people in His day as well as what he has to say to us in our day! Haggai said that God was shaking the heavens and earth so that the nations would turn and come to the Desire of All Nations! God is definitely shaking all things today! May we be the church that is ready to be unshaken and receive all who come to Jesus!

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Turn Over a New Leaf – 2: God Has Called You To More Than You Can Imagine!

We continue this week with our message from the book of Haggai. God is calling us in our day like He did in Haggai’s day to recenter our lives around the glory of God, the Kingdom of God, and the Church! As we do, we will see the glory of God fall in a way like we never have before!

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Turn Over A New Leaf – 1: See The New Thing That God Can Do In Your Life

This week we begin a new series, “Turn over a new leaf” based on the book of Haggai. The people of God had been set free from being slaves and had begun the work of rebuilding the temple. As a result of fear, pressure, and selfishness however, the people stopped the work on the temple and turned their interests toward their own homes. God spoke through Haggai to call the people to return to a life centered on Him. There is much in application for us today that our eyes and ears would be open to hear the conviction and call of God.

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Fresh Start – 2: Find A New Hope For Relationships With A Fresh Start In The Cross

This week we will be continuing the theme of “Fresh Start” with a look at how to bring a fresh start to our relationships in the new year!

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Fresh Start – 1: Begin Your New Year Right

The beginning of a new year is a great time to look back on the faithfulness of God, remember what has been forgiven at the cross, and look forward to new things that God will do in our life throughout the upcoming year!

Click here to download a PDF copy of the sermon slides.

Home For Christmas – 2: The Love Of Jesus That Restores Homes And Families


This week we continue our series, “Home for Christmas”! We’ll see what Scripture says about the heart we’re to have toward those who are away from home in Christ.

Click here to download a PDF copy of our sermon slides.

Home for Christmas – 1: The Power Of Jesus To Bring Us Home To Him And To Those We Love


This Sunday we begin a new series called “Home for Christmas”. We’ll see the power of Jesus, and the calling we have been given to see people come home to Jesus and to those they love. There is no other group on the planet with the power we have been given by God, to see homes restored, relationships mended, and lives restored to the glory of God! Our prayer is that through the month of December, we will come alive as ambassadors with the message of reconciliation and help lead people home!

Click here to download a PDF copy of the sermon slides.

This Is America Now – 4: Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory Of The Coming Of The Lord


This week we conclude our series, “This is America Now” with a powerful reminder to remain humble and obedient even when it is difficult to do so. The promise from Scripture is that “in due time” God will exalt those who believe, wait, trust, and obey Him. He is not finished with us, our families, our church, or our nation! This is our time! Let us faithfully be the who He has made us to be in our generation!

Click here to download a PDF copy of the sermon slides.