This Is America Now – 3: The Beauty And Reward Of Suffering For Christ


We continue our series, “This is America Now”, with a look at the beauty and reward of suffering. While not a popular subject, suffering is what validates the reality of the Gospel. It is what brings glory to God. It is my prayer that we will be a people who will look past our comfort and look past our ease to the higher calling of the church and suffer if we must for the sake of Christ. We have much to be thankful for in our past. May we have the same devotion of our founding fathers for our nation. May we have the same passion of Lord for the Kingdom of God!

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This Is America Now – 2: The Power Of The Church To Bring About Cultural Change


This week we continue our series, “This is America Now”, with a specific look at how we become that kind of change. Our national election is over, yet it does not change in any way the calling we have to be the church proclaiming the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light!

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This Is America Now – 1: The Role Of Faith In An Increasingly Faith Resistant Culture


This Sunday, our new series, “This is America Now” begins!  In every generation, the church must clearly understand its role and calling.  It is through the church that God has chosen to move and work in our world. We must understand our role as citizens of the Kingdom and citizens of the United States.

Click here to download a PDF copy of this week’s sermon slides

War of Words: Baptism


This Sunday we see how baptism is an outward expression or sign of what God has done in our hearts. Just as a wedding ring is a sign letting others know that one is married, baptism is a sign that a person has placed their trust in Jesus for everlasting life.

Click here to find out more about baptism.

Click here to download a PDF copy of this week’s sermon slides.

War of Words: Your Words Can Bring Down Walls


This week we continue our series, “War of Words” and discover the power of using our words to pull down strongholds!  God has given us a land of joy, freedom, peace, and love. We are invited to enter that land and tear down all that keeps us from it – strongholds of fear, anger, depression, and addiction. This will be a powerful day of declaration and celebration! Let the captives be freed!

Click here to download a copy of the sermon slides in PDF.

War of Words: What you say has the power to set you free


This week we continue our “War of Words” series with a look at the power of our words to set us and others free from bondage. There is overwhelming power that happens when we believe and speak words of confidence, hope, and truth. When belief and confession happen there is earth-shaking power.

Click here to download a PDF copy of the sermon slides

War of Words: What You Say Is What You’ll See


This Sunday we continue with the second message in our series, “War of Words”!  Last week, we saw the devastating power the tongue can have when it is out of control. We also discovered that it cannot be tamed, but must be changed in an experience with the holiness and grace of God in Jesus! In this week‘s message, we’ll see the power of our words over the circumstances of our life. What you say about your life is what you will see! Join me in praying for the Spirit of God to open our eyes to see how He wants us to see and what He wants us to say about even that part of our life that seems impossible!
Click here to download the sermon slides in a PDF document.

War of Words: The Power of Your Words Are Not Just a Game


This Sunday we begin a new series called, “War of Words”. We’ll see what Scripture has to say about the power of our words to speak life and to speak death. The truths we learn have the power to transform our thought life, our marriages, our families, and the world around us! When we hear God’s Word, then speak God’s Word, life springs up!

Click here to download the sermon slides

Hear Here: Resonate


It has been our prayer throughout the Hear Here series that we would all discover how we can have God’s voice amplified into our life. This Sunday, we’ll learn how to resonate with His words through the life of the boy Samuel in the Old Testament.

Click here do download the sermon slides (PDF document compatible with all devices)

Hear Here: When Heaven Seems Silent


This Sunday we look at Scripture to see what it says about the times in life when heaven seems to be silent. We’ve all experienced those moments, and so have some of the greatest men and women of faith in Scripture. May those who sit in silence now hear His voice speaking and singing over them!

Click here to download the sermon slides.