It’s Time To Saddle Up

Today Brian helps us understand just what faith really looks like.  Yes we know that it was accounted to Abraham as righteousness because of his faith.  But what does faith really look like to you and me?  Let’s hit the trail and find out.



Prepare For God To Do Something Big

You know that situation you are going through, that mountain that stands between you and your dreams, freedom or purpose?  You know the “impossible mission” that seems to have been dropped in your lap?  It is not a mistake you are facing those things.  It is because God loves you and wants to do big things for you and through you that others may know Him too.  So how do we prepare our hearts to humbly live in that expectation?  Let’s find out…..



Enter Your New Frontier

Regardless of who you are, what you’ve done or where you’ve been, if God says something about who you are, that IS who you are.  Seeing that truth and believing that truth is where the struggle begins.  But once you do understand that truth, it really is a New Frontier.  Are you ready for a change?  Let’s go.



Will You Trust God With Everything

How many times have we missed out on living a life of blessings because we became so wrapped up in one blessing we received?  What is greater?  The gift, or the giver of the gift?  Today we learn what it means to take our hands off of a single blessing we have received so that many other blessings can flow through us.  Let’s see what happens



Quit Yer Laughin!

Have you ever been told something so outlandish, something so over the top that you burst into laughter?  What happens when God tells us something that would seem that outlandish?  Today we look at 2 people in the bible who did just that.  Let’s see what we can take away from their experience that will better prepare us for the “over the top” experiences that God has for us.



Enter The New Frontier

Seeing the promises of God become a reality may require us to leave something behind. Not just something that we come up with, but something that God is calling us away from. Walking away from sin is the no brainer, but what does it mean when God is calling us away from something that is comfortable? God is calling to all of us to live in the promises He has for us, if we will just trust him. What is God calling you away from? Let’s dig in……


New Frontier

Living For The Reward of Heaven

Our present struggles and pains and disappointments and any other type of misery you can think of, is not even worth being mentioned compared to the reward we will have in heaven.  That can be a hard thought to wrap our minds around, a hard concept to understand.  But what if we could wrap our hearts around that truth?  Today we dig deeper into the coming reward for the present day sufferings we face. So come in, sit down and grab a cup of coffee, or your favorite beverage, and open your heart to allow the Holy Spirit to encourage you as we are reminded of the reward that awaits those who are in Christ Jesus.





Jesus’ victory over the realm of hell

Satan is a liar, all he can do is lie.  Being awakened to those lies compels one to come away from those lies and walk in the truth.  But what happens when we find that we have bought into a lie and maybe we have been for a long time?  Today we explore the truth of Christ’s victory over death, hell and the grave.  Today the enemies lies are exposed and today truth calls from the gates of the city.  Prepare for war as we enter in to the message of truth.  Jesus’ victory over the realm of hell.



Awaken to Heaven’s Relationships

The day to day grind of this life can take a toll on your mind, body, soul, emotions and relationships.  Without knowing what awaits those who are in Christ Jesus can leave us feeling hopeless and empty.  It is in knowing that we have something, far greater than anything this world has to offer, waiting for us that brings us hope.  Hope in seeing a loved one again, hope in a broken body being restored, hope in relationships never coming to a bitter end.  Walk with us as we can only take a glimpse of the coming glory in store for us that will last for all eternity.



Vertical One Year Celebration

It’s hard to celebrate what God has done in your life when you are going through a difficult time.  At other times it’s easy to see and the celebration comes without restraint.  So how do we celebrate what God has done for us during those tough times?  Today Jeff helps us to understand that it all starts with a child like faith.  Let’s listen in as we look back over the first year in Vertical Church as well as learning the simplistic faith of a child can bring us a heart of celebration.


One Year Celebration