Clear the Fear and Clear Your Mind

What an amazing story of contrast we hear in today’s message. Jesus frees a man possessed with a legion of demons and yet the crowds were afraid and turned Jesus away. What fears in our life could Jesus set us free from, if only we weren’t afraid. Let’s listen in and find out how we can receive that freedom.



Fear Knot from the rooftop

Brian starts a new series entitled “Fear Knot” by preaching from the rooftop in a demonstration of overcoming his fear.  What fears are keeping you from answering the call ?

(please excuse the sound issues during the first couple of minutes)


Stand Your Ground

Have you ever lost ground to the enemy?  Today as we continue our journey with Nehemiah we learn how to regain that lost ground as well as expose tricks the enemy may use in an attempt to discourage us from taking back that ground and restoring the glory.


Work and War Together

A trumpet blast, an alarm sounds, a disruption to our building process.  What is our next course of action?  Let’s continue our walk with Nehemiah as we learn the significance of responding to the battle cry as a group of believers to defend one another while in the process of restoring the Glory of God.   WORK & WAR

Side by Side


Today Jeff continues the journey with Nehemiah and how Nehemiah’s passion to rebuild the wall and restore the glory of God to Jerusalem relates to our lives. We can’t do this alone, we need to get real, we need to get humble and we need to get serious about His glory.


side by side




Restore the Glory

Gods glory and believers being connected. What’s the connection? We begin to discover these truths as we journey with Nehemiah on his quest to restore the glory of God and the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem. What former glory is God calling you to help restore? Let’s find out.



LegoLand 1

The first in a series on the story of Nehemiah, cup bearer for the king, broken hearted over the destitute condition of Israel longing for the glory of God to return to his nation. Come follow the journey with Nehemiah and see what one broken heart for a nation can do.





Big Fish – Walking in Faith

In todays sermon we hear about how God can make the impossible not only possible, but makes it reality.  What is it that God is calling you to do that you think is too big for you?  Be encouraged, it’s not based on our ability but it’s based on the faithfulness of God.  Are you ready to answer the call? BIG FISH - WALKING IN FAITH